SNHU Portfolio

Short Screenplay (Final): Deny Death No More

INT. WADE HOME - DAY Eric having been born with autism retains a child-like innocence. His wife Kathy and sister Janis have sheltered him from anything they deemed damaging that they felt would scar his psyche. The phone rings at the home of Eric and Kathy Wade. Kathy walks to the bedroom to answer...
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Short Story: Memoirs of a Village Boy

Thunder reverberated across the heavens as the sky turned black with clouds so dark, that they had to have been conjured by an evil deity. Rain poured down from the clouds hard and heavy. I saw many of my villagers struggle to breath, smothered by the harsh rains as they ran out of the muddy roads...
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Cancer Poem

Sickness consumes my very being as naturally as the Universe expands. You devour me like a lion feasting on its prey from within. My weakness takes me close to death. Screams of agony echo through my very soul and pierce my mind, scarring it with cinders from Hell. Your reek of an otherworldly...
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Dean's List at SNHU